Career planning as a holistic concept

We would like to offer our clients more than just player mediation between Bundesliga clubs or other professional clubs. High-performance athletes should devote all their attention to their vocation; we want to take care of everything else. From the youth phase, moving through the amateur stage, right up to Bundesliga professionals, we have to set different priorities when planning a football career. Individual strategic planning should guarantee long-term and continual success. These days, this involves more than just choosing clubs and mediating between them; every player needs their own marketing concept. Last, but not least, the entire career planning should provide for an occupationally and financially secure life beyond the individual’s active playing days.

Education compatible with sports career planning; image; marketing; long-term occupational and financial planning – those are our main areas of focus, although the individual person remains our primary concern.

We are not able to achieve all of this alone, which is why we cooperate with first-class partners, whose core competencies we embrace as our own.